Born and raised in Northern California, Bill developed his love of nature and gardening at an early age. This love of gardening has developed into a lifelong personal and professional passion for landscaping that has led to his success in the landscaping business. Bill has over 37 years' experience in professional landscaping. Working up through the ranks from laborer to manager to owner of his own business, Bill has always maintained his enthusiasm for landscaping, spending his pleasure time experimenting and enjoying his own garden.
Bill's excellence and innovation in gardening resulted in his private home garden being featured in the King County Green Gardening Tour of 1995. There were over 400 visitors to Bill's garden that day. Bill led 10 educational tours throughout the day detailing his organic solutions for creating his edible/ornamental landscape under difficult drainage and water supply conditions.
Seattle Times Sunday June 25, 1995
Bill's other interests include wilderness canoeing, raising birds, photography (see website) and world travel. He is father of two and enjoys helping community schools with gardening projects and leading educational "nature tours" through his own restored native landscape and vegetable garden - featuring the ever-popular bean teepee and pumpkin patch. |